Deeper into the search

December 18, 2023
Deeper into the search

New navigation for results

  • The results have become closer to you, now all your results in front of your eyes, just scroll down;
  • Three tabs for understanding the status of your searches speaking for themselves: Results, Scheduled and In progress.

Updated Molecule card

  • The new view of molecule card gives you more information about the result that BIOPTIC provides;
  • New parameters have been added: Activity profile similarity (APS), logP, MW, tPSA, HBA, HBD;
  • You can also copy the SMILES of a specific molecule.

Preview results and filtering

  • Before exporting the results, you can take a more detailed look at the results, simply click on your molecule card;
  • Last but not least - filtration. Now you can filter molecules in the output by the 6 aforementioned parameters.

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